Про нас
Розширення можливостей
Розкриття потенціалу та стимулювання економічного зростання
Розширення можливостей
Розкриття потенціалу та стимулювання економічного зростання
Thriving business with true professionals
Geniocorp was founded in 2024 by Alexander Dynnik in Oslo, Norway, with a vision to empower individuals through entrepreneurship. From the very beginning, our mission has been to provide training, mentoring, and financial support to aspiring entrepreneurs, including refugees, helping them turn their dreams into successful businesses.
Our journey began with a small group of dedicated professionals committed to fostering innovation, inclusivity, and community growth. Now, we are expanding our programs, reaching more individuals and impacting communities across Norway and beyond.
Our history is a testament to the impact that dedicated support and a strong community can have on individuals striving to make their entrepreneurial dreams a reality.
Our mission at Geniocorp is to empower individuals through entrepreneurship. We strive to unlock potential, boost economic growth, and promote social integration by offering comprehensive training, mentoring, and financial support.
We are here to help aspiring entrepreneurs, including refugees, turn their dreams into thriving businesses, fostering innovation and community development.
Our mission at Geniocorp is to empower individuals through entrepreneurship. We strive to unlock potential, boost economic growth, and promote social integration by offering comprehensive training, mentoring, and financial support.
We are here to help aspiring entrepreneurs, including refugees, turn their dreams into thriving businesses, fostering innovation and community development.
Розширення можливостей підприємців
Надавати підприємцям-початківцям, у тому числі біженцям, інструменти та підтримку, необхідні для започаткування та розвитку успішного бізнесу.
Соціальна інтеграція
Сприяти соціальній інтеграції, допомагаючи людям стати активними та повноцінними членами суспільства через підприємництво.
Економічне зростання
Сприяти економічному зростанню, заохочуючи створення нових підприємств та підтримуючи їхній розвиток.
Сприяння інноваціям
Розвивайте культуру інновацій, заохочуючи креативні рішення та підтримуючи нові бізнес-ідеї.
Empower entrepreneurs
Provide aspiring entrepreneurs, including refugees, with the tools and support they need to start and grow successful businesses
Promote social integration
Foster social integration by helping people become active and valued members of society through entrepreneurship
Drive economic growth
Contribute to economic growth by encouraging the creation of new businesses and supporting their development
Foster innovation
Cultivate a culture of innovation by encouraging creative solutions and supporting novel business ideas
Dear Friends,I warmly welcome you to our business community. With over 20 years in business, I've come to understand the immense value of support and cooperation. Our community is designed for Ukrainians who have been forced to leave their country and for those eager to start or grow their business.We recognize the challenges of adaptation and the economic hurdles you face. We are here to support you. Our community aims to be a source of inspiration and opportunities. My goal is to help you overcome obstacles and achieve success. Together, we will build a resilient community that supports each other and contributes to our economies.Join us. Let's work together to build a future full of opportunity and achievement.
Dynnyk Oleksandr,


Наша команда

Олександр Динник

Тетяна Пилипчак

Юлія Ширяєва
Marketing Manager

Олексій Яценко

Дмитро Рибалко
Business Consultant in Norway

Євген Філіпенко
Business Consultant in Ukraine
Join our dynamic team at GENIOCORP and make a real impact! Become a part of our community today and help us drive positive change.